Monday, April 22, 2013

Another "Copycat movie": Post 5


In the article ‘Oblivion’ and the Copycat Accusations by Bill Gibron, he talks to us about how movie critics are starting to get lazy with their criticisms with movies. Many critics and viewers are quick to jump to conclusions and say that some movies are unoriginal or just a rip off of another movie. Sure these people may have seen many films of the same genre, but that doesn’t mean that the movie doesn’t have its own unique characteristics.

Calling a movie unoriginal is one of the lowest forms of criticism in my opinion. These critics can just constantly bash the movie for this, but they fail to realize that they should be looking into the movie more in depth. They should be criticizing things such as the plot, special effects, acting, etc. Sure there may be similarities of the movie Oblivion to other movies, but with the constant creation of same movie genres of course there will be similarities between movies. Even with these critics bashing this movie it claimed the weekend box office earning $38 million on top of the $112 million it already made overseas. This just goes to show that a lot of other viewers are very concerned with certain similarities this movie might have with its other genre related films.

1 comment:

  1. I agree to what you said about the critics these days. they are getting very lazy. they do bash on movies without seeing the uniqueness of them. I believe that they are more closed mind than open minded. Each individual critic will have his or her own opinion because they have different taste in genre. You did a good job on this post. It makes a lot of sense to me.
